16 June 2008

Holiday in IONA!

So, I know it's been a while since we wrote anything-  In truth, as seems to often be the case- we're so busy doing we aren't really writing.  We went to Iona this past week. an island where St Columba brought Christianity to... um whoever wanted to listen?  Actually Ben would be more apt to describe the mechanics of that history- There's a famous abbey on Iona where perhaps one of the earliest and most important Christian texts was written- the Book of Kells, which currently resides in Trinity College in Dublin.  Personal note- the tattoo on my arm is actually based on a design from the Celtic knotwork in the Book of Kells.  I was so excited to learn that this island is where my ink was originally designed- that I completely forgot to note any other historical facts regarding the place...  other than the island was regularly sacked by vikings, and it's also where the design for the traditional "Celtic Cross" was thought up- the design of the cross with the circular pattern around the center of the intersecting arms- funny thing, it was actually an accident- the stoneworkers made the arms of St. John's cross too long, and the collapsed under the weight shortly after it was erected in front of the abbey- so they added the circle to support the disproportionately long arms... anyway, one of the more enjoyable aspects of Iona was the sheep- we couldn't stop taking pictures of the sheep- following the sheep, laughing at the sheep- and this blog won't actually be a proper blog- it's actually just an appetizer- and an invitation to check out the new footage that we have on you tube of Ben- with a sheep/ram- and it's a lot more innocent than it sounds. Cheers, and I'll try to write more later tonight

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